Wednesday, May 2, 2007

We’re all in this together: health care reform survey

May 1, 2007, the first day of Older American’s Month, seems like an appropriate day for the AARP to release their national healthcare reform survey results.

(Have you noticed that AARP never uses the spelled-out form of its name? My guess is that the "retired persons" part doesn't market test well.)

The report for Wisconsin is here. Consortium member Gail Sumi, AARP State Issues Advocacy Director, helped prepare the report.

In the telephone survey exploring the medical experiences and opinions about health care reform of people ages 18 to 64, Wisconsinites reported believing that “they’re in good health, but that the health care system isn't.”

Even though only those under age 65 were surveyed, their responses show that people in Wisconsin are looking at the bigger picture, not just the one they are in now. And many are ready to support elected officials who will reform the system.

The report concludes that “Clearly, concern over the increasing costs of healthcare and support for universal healthcare are top issues for all Wisconsinites. While exploring ways to ensure that all residents have access to healthcare, Wisconsin should also address the concern residents have over increased healthcare costs.”

Statistical highlights

• 80% of respondents have health care coverage, and 27% say they are in excellent health.

• Almost half of respondents say Wisconsin’s healthcare system has major problems, and 13% say it’s in crisis.

• 76 % say it’s important to reduce the number of residents without healthcare coverage.

• 84% say that it’s important for Wisconsin to make healthcare more affordable for all residents.

• 82 % agree that all Wisconsinites should have access to the same basic healthcare coverage.

• 76% agree that everyone should contribute to the healthcare system to enable all residents access to healthcare.

• 56% would be more likely to vote for a candidate who supported healthcare coverage for all Wisconsin residents.

1 comment:

Jim Nichols said...

Help make May about Healh Care. Help make health care issues and ideas more important than empty slogans and attacks.